Facebook’s brand new feature will help you get jobs

I know you like Facebook. Everyone likes Facebook. I also know that there are some people that are looking for jobs. Furthermore, we all know how hard and frustrating it is to find a job. However, here comes Facebook to the rescue. You can see where this is going; Facebook has brought thee two things together. As of Wednesday, Facebook has announced a new feature, which will help people find jobs on Facebook. Guys, Facebook owns everything now.

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Facebook announced that it will roll out features which will enable companies to post job openings and applications directly. US and Canadian companies will be able to post these job openings on Facebook, thus bringing them closer to job applicants. We know that Facebook is known for connecting people. This is another method to connect people with what they need; from the comfort of your home, you can get a job. This is such good news for those dudes who have searched for jobs everywhere without success. Besides, now you have a valid excuse to surf Facebook for days; if anyone asks you, you can say you’re looking for a job.
Now, job seekers in the US and Canada can apply for jobs by simply clicking the “apply now” button on their tab. Then, Facebook will auto-fill some of the required information from their Facebook profile. This information includes your name and location. The applicant can review the information before sending it. Thus, Facebook creates a conversation between the job candidate and the business, easy peasy.
“We know that finding the right talent can be challenging”, says Facebook in a blog post. That’s true; it’s particularly difficult to match the right job to the right person. This is a huge problem in Nigeria, where some people only get jobs based on who they know, rather than how qualified they are for the job. With this feature, Facebook will help your company get exactly the right kind of person for the job opening you want to fill. You see, this is why I like Facebook; they even want us to get better jobs.


I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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