Twitter Voice Note Features and How to Use

Twitter Voice Note Features was released recently and the announcement which was made via its official account reads that “You can tweet a Tweet. But now you can Tweet your voice!”. Although expected to be made available for all users, the official Tweet about the new feature indicates that Twitter will be initially rolling out the product to iOS users, while others follow subsequently.

In an official blog post, Twitter explained how photos, videos, gifs, and extra characters have helped to shape users’ personality and conversation on the platform, however, “sometimes, 280 characters aren’t enough and some conversational nuances are lost in translation.” Twitter explained.

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These limitations in the number of characters per tweet was what prompted the need to roll out the new feature which according to the social network, will “add human touch” to the way users converse on the platform moving forward.

Already some iOS users have gotten access to the feature already while in other cases, some users may have to update their various apps to use the newly integrated feature.

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How to Use the VN Feature

1. Locate the Tweet composer and tap the wavelength icon next to the camera icon.
2. You would see your profile picture and the record button at the bottom.

3. Tap the record button to create your message and share the voice tweet by hitting “Done”. Remember, your profile picture will be attached to the audio tweet. 

4. Once finished, you can listen to voice tweets by pressing the play button.

Note: Each voice tweet can capture up to 140 seconds of audio but if you have more to say, a new voice tweet starts automatically to create a thread once you’ve reached the time limit.

Ahead of tweeting your recorded VN, you have the option to add Tweet text alongside or perhaps follow up with a thread of multiple tweets. Mind you, you are not absolutely free of limitation with the new feature as you only have up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds to record each individual voice tweet.

Clauses About the VN feature

– The feature is currently only for iOS users.
– Voice tweets can only be added to original tweets, so you can’t include them in replies or retweets with a comment.
– You can’t reply to a tweet using a voice tweet
– Your voice tweet can’t be longer than 140 seconds; a new voice note will start if you reach that limit. Twitter will automatically create a thread out of subsequent voice notes.
– Voice tweets cannot be downloaded by other users and the number of listens for a voice note show up right under the note, just like on YouTube.

– On iOS, when you tap play, it will automatically minimize in an audio dock at the bottom of your screen so that you can continue listening as you scroll through Twitter and when you leave the app.
– Voice Tweets will be published as Tweets with audio attachments that people can play. Your current profile photo will be added as a static image on your audio attachment and will not refresh if you update your profile photo.
– Tapping on someone’s voice Tweet will play the audio message and automatically advance for threaded voice Tweets on iOS.

See what Twitter users are saying ;

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I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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