Things to Consider Before Buying a New Laptop

Things to Consider Before Buying a New Laptop. below are the factors to be put into consideration when choosing the best laptop for your needs. Screen size, display, processor type and speed, portability, RAM, and of course the functions you will use it for Business users will have different needs than personal laptop users, and two laptops of the same price may be very different when compared by the features they possess.

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Hard Drive

This is where all of your files, programs, and everything your laptop does is saved to. 320 GB and up is considered the usual hard drive size for when you buy laptop or desktop units. 500 GB and over are considered near the top end of hard drive capacity. When choosing the best laptop for you, remember that if you buy computer systems based on your own needs and comfort rather than sticking strictly to price or ‘latest features’, you will be sure to get just the right laptop for you!

hard drivehard drive

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Screen Size and Display Type

Screen size is one of the more important points to consider. If you buy a computer laptop to keep at home you will want the largest screen which you can afford – generally, 17 inches either widescreen or not. For occasional email and casual web surfing, a smaller screen may do.

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HD stands for High-Density resolution. It is like the newer TVs which you can buy. For gaming or watching videos HD can be an excellent choice. For business, you are probably as well off with a standard screen.


If you wish to take your laptop wherever you go, smaller is usually better. Called netbooks in the smaller size, 9 inches  is standard and 11 inches still comfortable.
When choosing the best laptop for you, remember that if you buy computer systems based on  your own needs and comfort rather than sticking strictly to price or ‘latest features’, you will be sure to get just the right laptop for you



Your closed laptop will be the same size as its screen. Buy a laptop bag which suits your new laptop rather than trying to fit your new laptop to an existing carry bag.

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This is also related to the speed and functionality when you buy laptop systems as well as when you buy computer desktops. RAM is the memory that allows things to run without interruption in the fore and background.
Windows 7 and up use a lot of memory (look for more than 4 GB RAM for these operating systems), and OS X needs at least 1 GB of RAM, preferably 4.


Processor Type and Speed

The processor determines how fast your system will run and how many different tasks it can perform at once. For instance, watching a video while having multiple windows open, playing a game, and typing an email. For gamers faster is better as it loads the game more rapidly.


 Business people may not notice subtle differences in processor type and speed, however, the processor is important for future versions of the software. The better it is now, the easier it will adapt to what comes out next. When choosing the best laptop, Intel i7 would be top of the line whereas AMD Turion II would be the minimum you need to have things running smoothly. Slow systems tend to crash.


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I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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