MTN TrueTalk+ – Cheap call Tariff Plan

MTN TrueTalk+ Tariff Plan!
Obviously, the competition amongst these GSM network operators in the country is getting tougher by the day.

MTN TrueTalk+ is a call tariff plan that affords all MTN subscribers the ability to call all networks in the country at flat rate of 11K/sec(N6.60K/min) after a daily access fee of N5. You also get 50% off your international calls.

To migrate to the new MTN True Talk+ simply dial with an MTN line *123*20#



This new plan differs from the normal MTN True Talk+ plan; with the normal MTN TrueTalk plan, call MTN lines at 20K/Sec (N12) from the very first minute without any daily access fee and 26K/sec (N15.60K/min) to other networks.


I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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