Facebook Unveils Vanish Mode on Messenger and Instagram

In a recent update, Facebook has launched Vanish Mode on Instagram and FB Messenger. It is expected that this feature will allow users to send voice messages, text, and photos which will disappear once seen, and the chat window is shut down.

A report from a media publication says that the Snapchat-inspired Vanish Mode will work on individual chats and not group chats,

Although it will not hide messages sent by mistake, it can come in handy when you want your message not to be forwarded ahead or discussed forever. Users can send text chats, emoji, pictures, GIFs, voice messages, and stickers, which will disappear after they’ve been seen and users leave the chat.

The Vanish Mode doesn’t come as a default setting, users would have enabled it from within an existing chat. unlike Snapchat that comes as a default.

How Can I Enable Vanish Mode Feature on Messenger?

  • It can be enabled within an existing chat by swiping up on your mobile device’s screen while in the chat.
  • At the first launch, a pop-up will appear explaining how Vanish Mode works.
  • Once you are in Vanish Mode, the screen goes dark to signal the change.

How can I Turn Off the Vanish Mode on Messenger?

You can exit Vanish Mode by tapping on the Turn Off Vanish Mode button at the top of the screen.

This feature is expected to arrive on Instagram very soon. In a post from Facebook, 

they wrote;

 “We’re slowly rolling out vanish mode on Messenger and Instagram. Vanish mode is currently available on Messenger in the US and a few more countries, and it’s coming soon to more places.”


I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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