WhoDeyCall Service Launched by MTN

Know Your Caller Before Picking The Call

MTN Nigeria recently unveiled a new service called WhoDeyCall which has close related similar to Truecaller. MTN WhoDeyCall would allow you to see the name of any person that calls you before engaging in any conversation. It would as well show you unknown, private, spam, and blocked phone numbers. 

Not forgetting that some other applications like Truecaller offer this service, but WhoDeyCall is an alternative to Truecaller which is internet-based. This new service grants subscribers an edge over MTN customers as callers can be identified without the use of the internet. This simply means that you would still see the name of the caller regardless of you having their name store on your smartphone or not.

On this note, The MTN WhoDeyCall service works on all phones.

How Can I Activate MTN WhoDeyCall Service?

  • Recharge your account with the required airtime.
  • Dial *5058# or text registration keyword to 5058 to subscribe.

Opt-in Keywords

Product NameValidityOpt InOpt OutSCFee
WhoDeyCall DailyDailySC1Stop SC15058N5
WhoDeyCall WeeklyWeeklySC2Stop SC25058N30
WhoDeyCall MonthlyMonthlySC3Stop SC35058N50
WhoDeyCall Free7 daysFreeStop Free5058 No (one off)

Note: It is important to know that No free trial is one-off. Users that have already enjoy NO free trial will be charged N30 per week on sending Free to 5058 on the subsequent trial.  Active WhoDeyCall subscriber can update or modify their names at no extra cost by texting  <NAME> <Space> <Preferred Name> to 5058.



I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me 👇

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