Facebook launches $100M Grants Programme for Small Business Owners

Are you a Small Business owner that has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic? ā£ā£ā €

Facebook is listening to the challenges small business owners are facing right now and want to provide useful resources for them during this difficult and uncertain year.ā£ā£ ā €

The grants program is a part of Facebook’s overall commitment to invest $100 million this year in the Black community.

How the program can help !


– Keep your workforce going strong

– Help with rent and operational costs

– Connect with more customers

– Support your community

Is my small business eligible?

Up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in more than 30 countries will be able to receive a grant from Facebook. To be eligible to apply, your business must:

    • Have between 2 and 50 employees
    • Have been in business for over a year
    • Have experienced challenges due to COVID-19
    • Be in or near a location where Facebook operates

To check if your area is eligible, or to sign up for email updates when applications open, see how to apply below.

How do I apply?

Applications for the Small Business Grants Program are now open for eligible businesses. Please review theĀ Grant Program Terms and ConditionsĀ and apply by visiting theĀ Submittable platform. First you have to check by using the link below to verify if this is open for your country.

[button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”false” nofollow=”false”]Apply[/button]

Application criteria for Nigerians

Thank you for your interest in the Facebook Small Business Grants Programme.Ā  Please review the eligibility criteria, the Terms and ConditionsĀ and theĀ Facebook Data PolicyĀ before getting started.

We know that your business may be experiencing disruptions resulting from the global outbreak of COVID-19. Weā€™ve heard that a little financial support can go a long way, so weā€™re offering Naira 400,128 in cash grants and Naira 240,077 in ad credits to help during this challenging time.

In order to apply and receive a grant from Facebook, your business must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a for-profit business
  • Have between 2 and 50 employees
  • Have been in business for over a year
  • Have experienced challenges from COVID-19
  • Be in or near a location where Facebook operates

Eligible Locations

All locations in Nigeria are eligible.

When completing your application, you will be required to supply your most recent financial statements or accounts along with a legal document proving that your business has been established for at least one year, such as your annual tax return, business registration document (CAC documents), business licence or partnership agreement. Please ensure to provide full financial statements or accounts for your business. At a minimum, the financial statements you provide should include a balance sheet and an income statement/profit or loss statement. A balance sheet typically includes a summary of all of your businessā€™ assets and liabilities. For example assets include items such as cash, balances due from your customers, buildings owned by your business, stock held by your business etc. For example, liabilities include balances due to your suppliers, loans due to financial institutions etc. An income statement/profit or loss statement includes a summary of your income, expenses and profit for a year. Abridged financial statements or accounts will not be accepted.

When prompted to do so, please upload these two documents in a PDF format.

You may be asked to provide further documents at a later stage in the process.

Government official

You cannot apply on behalf of your business if you are a current government official or relative of a government official. You will be asked to confirm you are not a government official as part of the application form.

A government official includes officials, employees, representatives or anyone else acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of a government, government agency or other administrative authority or judicial or quasi-judicial body (whether elected or appointed, including for example, legislators, regulators, police, judges, tribunal members, federal, state or local council members), state-owned/controlled enterprises and executives at state-controlled companies; political parties or campaigns; public international organisations (including for example, UN officials); and candidates for public office; any person acting on behalf of or any relatives of any of those listed.

Application window

We will be accepting applications from your country from 2pm on 24 August 2020 to 5pm on 04 September 2020.

How do I apply?

Applications for the Small Business Grants Program are now open for eligible businesses. Please review theĀ Grant Program Terms and Conditions and then apply via the link below.

[button color=”blue” size=”medium” link=”″ icon=”” target=”false” nofollow=”false”]Apply Now ![/button]

Source 1,Ā  Source 2


I'm an Architect, Urban Designer, Web Designer, and TechSavvy. I attained two degrees from FUTA, Ondo State, Nigeria. As well, I'm currently pursuing my 3rd degree. Interests in Building Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Advance Technology. Connect with me šŸ‘‡

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