Telegram now has search filters, channel comments, anonymous admins

Telegram continues getting with every new update that arrives overloaded with new features. This occasion is no different as the new update adds three main features. These are search filters, and channel comments, and anonymous admins, amid other effective changes to advance the functionality of the app.

The search filters feature is something that will show to be a bonus, particularly for group conversations with a great number of members. These filters will assist you to look for a particular message with a lot more ease. You will be able to filter messages on the basis of file type, time period, and sender/recipient. The file type consists of media, files, music links, and voice. As for the sender/recipient, you will be capable to pick from a particular person, bot, admin, channel, or group.

Users who are group admins but want to keep their identity hidden; they can now do so with the aid of the anonymous admin feature. This mode can be permitted by turning on the toggle for the Remain Anonymous choice. Every part of such admins will stay hidden in the list of group members and every time they will send a message, the group’s name will be used as a replacement for their personal names.

Telegram has additionally included support for comments on channels. All the comments below a particular message will emerge resembling a thread. This will let it be easier for everybody to know the flow and milieu of the conversation. But, it will be up to the channel owner if to allow comments.

Further minor changes are restricted to animation enhancements on Android. Every animation linked to expanding/hiding of keyboard, day/night mode switching, and deleting messages have been overhauled. They now feel a lot smoother than previously.


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